The Learning Management System Created by Teachers
The tools Teachers need so they can focus on teaching, and Students need to never miss a beat.
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BetaCabinet Features

BetaCabinet has all the features you've come to expect of an LMS: the ability to post documents and various tryes of assignments, online submission of assignments, online grading, a gradebook, a calendar, and more. What sets ClassCabient apart is all the extras. Powerful features that give teachers the ability to customize their class the way they want and which make typically time-consuming tasks almost automatic. Links to functions and information just where you expect them to be when you need them. Features that gives students and parents the information they need to always know how they are doing in the class, and more.

The list below highlights some of the features teachers are bound to love. Features that only another teacher would know that a teacher desperately needs to do their job. Though the list may seem long, it doesn't reveal the attention to detail in how each feature works, making BetaCabinet at once one of the most powerful learnign management systems, as well as the easiet to use

And what's more! Because the developer of BetaCabinet is an active teacher (that's me!), I am always udating, improving, and adding new features!

Assignment and Unit Creation and Management


Student Differentiation

Online Quizzes


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